Our cemented carbide grades with nickel binder and chrome additive are extremely corrosion-resistant and are generally not attacked by acids, waste water or organic Solutions. They are therefore suitable for all application in wear protection in the chemical industry, as spray nozzles in plastic manufacturing and for applications in the food processing industry where HARTMETALL ESTECH, as one of the only two companies worldwide, has a certificate from the US-FDA which confirms the safety of these nickel grades in the food industry.
Upon request, most of our nickel hard metals can also be delivered completely nonmagnetic; e.g. for pressing tools in the manufacturing of magnets.
使用鎳粘結劑以及增加了鉻添加劑的硬質合金牌號極耐腐蝕,一般不受到酸、廢水或有機溶劑的侵蝕。因此,這些牌號適合化學工業的耐磨零件,比如在塑料制造業和食品加工行業里的噴嘴。在全世界的硬質合金公司里,只有兩家公司從美國 FDA 獲得食品工業的硬質合金安全牌號的認證,伊斯泰克硬質合金公司就是其中之一。
WC 晶粒度 亞微米,0.7-0.9μm
Grade | Nickel content %w/w | Properties and recommendations
RCS12 | 6.0 | Our hardest nickel binder cemented carbide grade is very wear resistant; however not suitable for applications where there is risk of breakage. Use in guides, mixing rods, slide rings, spray nozzles, cutting blades and other wear parts in laboratories, chemical industry, pump construction, grinding and mixing systems and In plastics processing(GFP). 是硬的鎳基硬質合金牌號,非常耐磨; 但是不適合有破裂風險的用途。用于導軌,攪拌棒、 滑環、 噴嘴、刀片和其他耐磨零件部件,適用領域為實驗室、化工、泵,研磨和攪拌系統和塑料的制備。 |
RCS17 | 8.5 | Similar area of application as RCS12; however, the nickel hard metal grade RCS17 is slightly more break resistant. Use in guides, mixing rods, slide rings, spray nozzles, cutting blades and other wear parts in laboratories, chemical industry, pump construction, grinding and mixing systems, in plastics processing and in the food industry. 應用領域的類似于RCS12; RCS17相對更耐斷裂。用于導軌,攪拌棒、 滑環、 噴嘴、刀片和其他耐磨零件部件,適用領域為實驗室、化工、泵,研磨和攪拌系統和塑料制備以及食品工業。 |
RCS24 | 12.0 | This newly developed grade of nickel binder cemented carbide has a significantly higher binder content than the two previously mentioned grades. Thus, it is especially suitable for applications with a risk of breakage. Primary applications include slide rings, shaft sleeves and sealing elements in the chemical industry, in the pump construction and in the food processing industry. It is also used for mixing and grinding systems of materials with highly inhomogeneous composition. 這種新開發的鎳基硬質合金比之前的牌號有更高的粘結劑含量。因此,它特別適合有破裂風險的用途。主要應用包括化工、泵和食品加工行業的滑環、 軸套和密封元件。它也用于高度非均勻組成的系統的混合和研磨。 |
Our cemented carbide grades with nickel binder and chrome additive are extremely corrosion-resistant and are generally not attacked by acids, waste water or organic Solutions. They are therefore suitable for all application in wear protection in the chemical industry, as spray nozzles in plastic manufacturing and for applications in the food processing industry where HARTMETALL ESTECH, as one of the only two companies worldwide, has a certificate from the US-FDA which confirms the safety of these nickel grades in the food industry.
Upon request, most of our nickel hard metals can also be delivered completely nonmagnetic; e.g. for pressing tools in the manufacturing of magnets.
使用鎳粘結劑及增加了鉻添加劑的硬質合金牌號極耐腐蝕,一般不受酸、廢水或有機溶劑的侵蝕。因此,這些牌號適合化學工業的耐磨零件,比如在塑料制造業和食品加工行業里的噴嘴。在全世界的硬質合金公司里,只有兩家公司從美國 FDA 獲得食品工業的硬質合金安全牌號的認證,伊斯泰克硬質合金公司就是其中之一。
WC grain size fein,1.0-1.5μm medim,2.0-2.8μm
WC 晶粒度 細fein,1.0-1.5μm 中,2.0-2.8μm
grade | Nickel content %w/w | Properties and recommendations
RCN | 8.0 | Standard nickel grade with fine grain, good temperature resistance, good solder-ability. Similar uses as RCS 17. Additionally suited for guides in welding technology. 鎳基硬質合金的細顆粒標準牌號。耐熱性能好、 具有良好的焊接能力。用途類似于 RCS 17。另外適合焊接。 |
RCFN22 | 11.0 (Nickel/ Chrome) | This nickel binder cemented carbide has a high chrome content. It is the most corrosion-resistant of all our hard metal grades and is fully nonmagnetic. Use in slide rings and sealing elements in the pump construction and in the chemical industry for highly corrosive Liquids. An additional application is pressing tools in the magnet industry. 這個鎳基硬質合金含有較高的鉻,它是耐腐蝕的牌號,并且完全無磁。用于存在高度腐蝕性液體的泵和化工中做滑環和用密封件。另外在磁鐵行業用作沖壓工具。 |
RCM30 | 15.0 | Due to its increased nickel content and the medium grain size, we use RCM30 in particular as a highly breaking resistant, relatively impact and fracture resistant, temperature-resistant and easily solder nickel binder cemented carbide grade. Application especially in large slide rings, sealing element and dies. The corrosion resistance of this grade is sufficient for most applications in the chemical industry and pump construction. RCM30有比較高的鎳含量,顆粒度為中等,用于需要高溫耐破裂,抗壓、抗斷裂、 耐高溫、 易可焊性的場合。尤其適用于大型滑環,密封元素和模具。這種等級的耐腐蝕性能能夠滿足大多數的化工和泵工業。 |